Monday, 30 April 2018

Professor Dr. M.S. Valiathan visit to our lab

30th April 2018: Today honorable Professor Dr. M. S. Valiathan has visited our Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, MAHE. Professor Valiathan is the first Vice Chancellor Manipal Academy of Higher Education.  We had a great chance to discuss our research and he shared his memories of Professor G. N. Ramachandran and Dr. Kartha.  I had a chance to explain our research programmes. Here are some snapshots.
Professor Valiathan is looking at the SDS PAGE gels of CdC25 purified using BioRad FPLC, purchased form DST-SERB grant.  

We are discussing with water detoxification, CdC25 arsenic reductase projects. 

Professor M. S. Valiathan is looking the protein crystals grown using Laser-Induced crystallization technique. Ms. Shilpa (Research Scholar) is also present

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Won Second Prize at the Manipal Research Colloquium 2018

From the year 2014, Director Research, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) is conducting Manipal Research colloquium (MRC). This year we are celebrating MAHE's Silver Jubilee. MRC 2018 event is sponsored by PHILIPS and I won the oral second prize in Basic Science section.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Workshop on Homology Modeling @ MLT, SOAHS, MAHE, Manipal

26-March-2018: Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal has organized one day "National Workshop on Clinical Laboratory Research - A Multi Disciplinary Approach". Five parallel workshop has conducted in the same day. 
I have been invited to conduct a day long work on "Homology  Modeling of Proteins and 3D Structure Visualization." It was one of the wonderful experience. Thanks to the faculty, students (international level) and Head of the Department (Dr. Saleena Ummer: for their invitation and participation. 
Here is some pictures of the day:
Dr. Saleena is presenting a participation certificate to me. 

Workshop participants

Receiving a memento from Dr. Poornima Baliga (Pro-Vice Chancellor, MAHE;, Professor Dr. H,. Vinod Bhat (Vice Chancellor, MAHE and Dr. B. Rajasehkar (Dean, SOAHS, MAHE - is also present in the dais.  

Presenting a certificate to Dr. Arun Maiya, Professor and Associate of dean of SOAHS ( He delivered an excellent invited talk on Diabetics. 

Workshop Flyer and photos

Thursday, 1 March 2018

National Science Day: 2018 @ JMC-Trichy

It was a nice experience to visit where we studied. Last Wednesday is a National Science Day (28 Feb 2018), and I had a great chance to discuss with 150 young science students. I have completed my B. Sc. Physics (1991-1994), and M. Sc. Physics (1994-1996) from Jamal Mohammed College (, Bharathidasan University.  See below our group photo (not a complete one though) during one of our M.Sc. practical day.

Dr. Haja Hameed joined as a faculty in the same department, while we are all scattered in the entire globe. He organized a National level seminar on Solid State Physics and invited me to deliver a lecture.
List of Speakers

A snapshot with some faculties of JMC, Physics 

Master students
The college management is more supportive and they spend good time with all the speakers. It was one of the awesome day to interact with young minds and happy to contribute to the institution, where I graduated. Expecting more and more interactions in future.